Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Easi-Drive gets Wigan Charity out of a fix

The Wigan-based charity Fix-It UK has received a £4000 boost from leading accident management specialists Easi-Drive.

The charity, based on the Rosebridge Industrial Estate, in Springview, runs vocational training courses in motor mechanics for disadvantaged 14-19-year-olds. They were left devastated in November last year when thieves took all of their tools, specialist equipment and even the playstation the students had raised money for.

Simon Bellamy, MD of Wythenshawe-based Easi-Drive heard about their plight and decided to help out.

Ian Tomlinson, Programme Director at Fix-It UK, said: “It’s great for our students to see that life’s not all bad and that there are some caring people out there.”

Stu McAndrew, Business Development Manager for Easi-Drive, who went down to the charity to present the cheque this week, said: “I was really impressed with the set up and the great opportunities they offer local youngsters.”

He continued: “It is easy to forget what it’s like to be a teenager trying to find your way in life. Yet here, through the development of their mechanics and qualifications programme, Ian and his team are doing a fantastic job of giving these youngsters skills and belief and opening doors which might otherwise be closed to them.”

The money, which came from the Company’s community giving scheme - WheelsforGood - will be used to replace some of the stolen equipment.

Easi-Drive’s WheelsforGood initiative distributes £60,000 annually to good causes across the UK. To apply go to