Thursday, 29 October 2009

The Award Goes To

And the Easi Drive Accident Management sponsored award for vehicle manufacturer networks goes to ...Ford Motor Company!

Congratulations to Ford Motor Company, which picked up the ABP Club Night of Knight’s award for Vehicle Manufacture Networks.This was the category (out of 11) sponsored by Easi Drive at the Auto Body Professionals Club’s third annual event.

The night was a triumph, with 394 delegates – a 21 per cent increase on last year.

Twenty-four of the top 30 bodyshop groups were represented at the evening, attended by guest speaker Debra Searle MBE, who captivated every single person in that room.

If reports are to be believed, Debra’s speech is the first and only time a convention of bodyshop industry folk has sat still and total silence, as they heard about her determination to row solo across the Atlantic in three-and-a-half months – through hurricanes and utter loneliness.

Debra stayed on to present the Night of Knights Awards.

Congratulations to all 11 winners.