Thursday, 14 January 2010

Good Causes to Benefit from Timely Invoice

Insurance companies can lend a helping hand to good causes with timely payments to invoices from accident management specialists, Easi-Drive.

The Manchester-based company has said that if insurers pay their invoices within 30 days of receipt, they will donate one per cent of that invoice to their national community giving fund, wheelsforgood.

The fund, which stands at £60,000 for 2010, was created by founder and managing director Simon Bellamy, and is all about providing charities, good causes and community groups ‘with the wheels’ to make a difference.

Bellamy predicts that the fund will aid all sorts of projects from helping kids get mobile, restoration of vehicles to supporting young mechanics through apprenticeship programmes.

So far the fund has helped improve the race track of a BMX club in Royston, helped Whizz Kidz provide wheelchair training for ten children from Manchester, supported advanced driving courses for 17 to 26-year-olds in Stockport, and provided mini-buses for community groups like the Brownies.

Simon Bellamy said: “We have calculated if all our insurance companies embraced the scheme and ensured payment reached us within 30 days the additional funds raised will be in excess of £150,000, which could make a huge impact on our chosen charitable causes and groups.

Anyone interested in applying for assistance through the fund should visit our website

He added; “As one of the leading suppliers of like for like replacement vehicles we already know from conversations with people that so many charities and local projects are desperate for assistance with transport. We will endeavour to help as many projects as we can over the next 12 months and by working together with insurers on a joint commitment to wheelsforgood we can do great things for the communities we care about.”

For all the insurance companies that get involved, Easi-Drive is also offering the chance for them to nominate a cause close to their heart to benefit from the wheelsforgood fund, and to also be involved in the giving process.

Anyone interested in applying for assistance through the fund should email or call on 0870 330 9770.